Facility Use

District facilities can be rented!

To do so:

1.) Please read our District Policy on Use and Maintenance of District Property on the District website.  Go to the District tab and select Policies/Practices

2.) If you are interested in rental use of our school gymnasium, auditorium, conference center, a classroom space, cafeteria, etc--as outlined in the Policy--please call the Keith Manginelli at (516) 434-2605.

We look forward to being of assistance to you!

Playground and Athletic Field Use

Lincoln Orens Middle School and FXH Hegarty Elementary Playground and Athletic Field Use  

Reopening Playgrounds

The District will be reopening its playgrounds and athletic fields at the Francis X. Hegarty and Lincoln Orens Middle Schools for community use from 8AM to 9PM each day. Community members may enter the playgrounds and athletic fields from the following entrances:

Francis X. Hegarty- Deal Rd. Entrance and Warwick Rd. Entrance

Lincoln  Orens Middle School- Audubon Blvd Pre-Kindergarten Playground Entrance, Trafalgar Blvd Parking Lot Entrance, and Baseball Field Entrance

Community members using our playgrounds and athletic fields are reminded that:

·         They use our playgrounds and athletic fields at their own risk and understand and accept the risks due to COVID-19.

·         Children using the playground structures and athletic fields should be supervised by adults to ensure physical distancing measures are being met.

·         Children and adults should wear face coverings.  

·         Children and adults should wash their hands with soap and water or sanitizer before and after using playground equipment. 

   Due to Covid-19 restrictions, no organizations or leagues are allowed to use an outside or indoor venue of the Island Park School District 


Permits Required 

All community organizations must complete District Use Forms and provide a certificate of insurance. Forms are available through the Recreation Department. Please contact Keith Manginelli, Recreation Supervisor, at (516) 434-2605 for more information.